Settings for Text Session Format
Tools | Option | General |Text Session Format is used to define the format of an imported ASCII Text Session. The imported data's structure is defined so that ATLAS can interpret it. Multiple file definitions can be created, enabling more than one external format to be used.
- Extension: Defines the file extension of the text files that will be imported. You do not need to place the proceeding dot just the letters of the extension, e.g. csv, txt, asc.
- Total Header Lines: Sets the total number of header lines that are included in the text file. There must be at least one header line and can contain additional lines which may contain indiscriminate information.
- Parameter Line: Sets the line number where the parameters are defined
- Group Line: Sets the line number that contains the parameter groups. If parameter groups aren’t to be defined then this should be set to 0
- Date Exists: Sets whether the date is to be included on each line of data. If the date is present, the first column should contain the date and the second column contains the timestamp. ! Make sure "Date Exist" box is ticked until a fix is issued.
- Time Format: Sets the format of the actual timestamp, e.g. HH:MM:SS or seconds
- Delimiter: Sets the delimiter used in the text file to separate each column of data
- Unit: Sets the line number where the units are defined
- Lap Marker: Not implemented and to be left as “%”
This creates a XML file in the following location:
%localAppData%\McLaren Applied Technologies\ATLAS 10\SQL Race
Example of how to import a txt file
- Attached to this article is a .txt file example (DataExample.txt). You can store it anywhere on your disk (On the desktop in this example)
- Also attached is the relevant .xml file to load the file (DataProviders.xml). As mentioned above, this lives in the folder:
%localAppData%\McLaren Applied Technologies\ATLAS 10\SQL Race
- Using the Session browser, you can navigate to the folder where your .txt file lives and you can import it like any data file format.
- You can then display the data on a waveform, as per below for the example:
Please note that the xml file can handle multiple entries, for multiple data format (.mat, .csv, .txt).
Several issues reported with the text file export.
- HH:MM:SS not present (as in A9)
- If a change is made to an entry using the tool once saved, this creates a bug in the xml file.
- Need to restart A10 after every change.
- Not possible to have a date column although Date Exists must be checked.
- Data entries cannot be blank e.g. If no data exists, a 0 needs to be added in the text file.
1 comment
You state for the DateTimeFormat that it can be Time, how is this defined? HH:MM:SS?
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